Everyone experiences stress in their lives. Work keeps piling up at the office, and there are so many projects you’d like to work on at home. The one problem is that there never seems to be enough time in the day to complete everything. This doesn’t just relate to the “bad stress”, but the “good stress” also contributes – going on a first date, excited for a big trip or wedding. There is no escape from stress and after prolonged exposure with no intervention/attention, can cause quite a few problems in the body. You can however manage stress to keep your focus on what’s really important and help keep the symptoms at bay.
I recently watched a TED talk video that got me very inspired to write this article because I still believe that self-care is underrated in today’s society. One of the primary complaints that clients seeking massage therapy express is that they are STRESSED. Overloaded from work and/or home life, over doing it at the gym, or injury, which stresses the body, or overcoming a traumatic event. Although in some instances, massage therapy might not be able to treat the underlying cause, we can help you cope with the stress you are feeling so that you can take a break from your hectic schedule. Letting your body and mind calm down will help you to focus and avoid burnout.
I have posted the article and video below, and I highly recommend that you take a look at them.
Part of you care with a Registered Massage Therapist is to outline home care that will speed your recovery, as many of you are already aware. I have outlined in more detail what your Massage Therapist can recommend for home care in a previous article that you can check out here. But I also wanted to share with you my personal Top 5 Self-Care Regimens:
1) Regular Massage Therapy – everyone has heard the phrase “practice what you preach”. I do go for regular massage treatments for quite a few reasons. Not only does it help with my stress and tension, but it also allows me an opportunity to learn new techniques that I might not have thought of. Both of which can help me, which in turn will help you.
2) Other Health Care – working in a multidisciplinary clinic allows me to have access to regular care from other health professions, including chiropractic adjustments, naturopathy, acupuncture and personal training.
3) Journaling/Meditation – I have always enjoyed writing for as long as I can remember. In school, essays were a pretty strong suit for me. In the past year or so I realized I should be taking the next step and start a journal to express myself which can give me more mental clarity. Meditation has a similar effect since it gives me an opportunity to tune out of the world and tune into my body. Both of which calm my mind, which results in relaxing my body and sharpening my awareness.
4) Exercise – with a regular exercise routine, I can keep my body moving and challenging it appropriately, which leaves me feeling awesome! This included light weights, cardio, and core stability with occasional walks/jogs (weather permitting).
5) Isolation Baths – this is a relatively new experience for me. I’ve had a few people comment that it is very beneficial. You are essentially in a pod that strips you of your senses, and you float in a bath with a very high concentration of Epsom salts. Much like meditation, it gives me time to tune into my body without any external distractions. Plus the added benefit of the Epsom salts too!
One of the best pieces of advice I had been given was that if you become overwhelmed with the lemons that life hands you, bring your attention to your breathing and take some slow, controlled breaths. This helps to ground you and bring attention to what you’re feeling so you can process the stress more clearly.
This is, of course, not a substitution for medical advice as I am not a doctor. It is simply what works for me. I encourage you to try new things that will help clear your head space. If you are feeling too overwhelmed, please seek professional counseling. They can help you through your situation and point you in the right direction for your recovery. You can reach the Crisis Line at 613-722-6914 (in Ottawa) or 1-866-996-0991 (outside of Ottawa), or visit their website at www.crisisline.ca.
Thank you for taking the time to read this article, and please share if with someone who you think may need it.
Have a great day :)